C17200 Copper


C17200 beryllium copper is available in both solution and precipitated heat treated in bar and tube. When this material is age hardened, it has the highest strength and hardness of all the commercial copper alloys.

This material is also known as Alloy 25 or CDA 172.


UNS C17200, AMS 4725, AMS 4650, AMS 4651, MIL-C-21657, SAE J461, AMS 4650, AMS 4535, ASTM B194, ASTM B643, ASTM B196, ASTM B194, AMS 4533, ASTM B570, RWMA Class 4


Bearings, aircraft landing gear, bushings, washers, screws, bolts, pumps, springs, shafts, valves, bourdon tubes, roll pins, firing pins, precision screw machine parts, corrosion resistant components.

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